
June 10-June 28


9-10։ Երգեցողություն

10- 12 ։Քանդանագործության փառատոն/ Վարպետության Դասեր

Առաջարկ- նախաձեռնություն վարպետության դասերի, քանդակագործության փառատոնին, Հրավեր ուղղարկել և հանդիպում կազմակերպել Հայաստանում լավագույն ժամանակակից քանդակագործներից՝ Մկրտիչ Մազմանեանին, ով նաև միջազգային հեղինակություն է վայելում, մրցանակակիր 2018 New York Art Expo, արուեստագետի կայքը՝ http://www.esquissegallery.com. Ընթացքը տրուած է, առաջարկը փառատոնի համակարգող Քնարիկ Ներսիսյանի արուած է, պետք է տեսնենք երբ կրթահալիրում կհյուրընկալենք Մազմանեանին և ինչպես կողմերը փառատոնին մասնակցության առումով համաձայնության կգան․


Գրականություն/ Ուսումնական խորհրդատվություններ, Պարապմունքներ


Speak English, please!

It felt so good listening to one of the most positive personages on our planet, Mr. Yura Ganjalan, the head of the English department at MSKH. Domestic violence is not applied to Armenian families, he assures us , trying to ward off the smallest doubt that we could have. Armenian men love their wives and no parent beats his child. Then he continued explaining that Armenian family members are attached to each other, and unlike western style family dynamics,  they, for example, call each other very  often, despite distance . In Media Center, we felt relieved for twofold reasons. First we had found a roof under which we’d surely find fluent speakers, the second was our timely escape from being roasted on the streets. We had been surfing on Raffu street for over an hour, trying to find people who would answer our questions in English. Our topic was interesting- domestic violence, but alas, very few people said they knew English, so we stopped at that point, to go and ‘hunt’ someone else. Raffu street was the second district we were doing research at. I guess that  explains the reasons why my 10th graders , namely Ani Gasparyan, Emma  Baghiryan , Ani Zmoyan ,Anahita Katouzian and Tatev Abazyan were working  like professional researchers, guessing from the face of the passerby if he/ she was a potential interviewee. The proverb ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ was proved wrong in this case. Education is definitely imprinted on people’s faces.

 Northern Avenue was the first area we had started our research from . As our study had a comparative nature, we wanted to find out if district was a variable that would make a significant difference in  our study results. In other words, would there be more English speaking people in downtown Yerevan than the southern suburb/. Confident that downtown is a prestigious area, especially the Northern Avenue with its polished and expensive shops, my students were under the impression that there they would easily be able to run their survey. They had thought prestigious shops mean being bi/multilingual , as I can hardly describe English to be the third language for anyone in the 21st century. One, two, three, four, five, five people shunned away then one was found. I can’t retell how happy Sona, Clia, Raysa, Alla, Alina and Tatev were getting when they were able to ‘catch’ someone who would answer to ‘ what is your opinion on domestic violence’, ‘ what do you think about mothers who beat up their kids’, and ‘what does the state do in case there are aggression in families


Ice- Skating Trip

It took us three transportation means to change to reach Opera, the ice-skating field, on January 10, 2019. We wanted to go to “Yeraz” garden first, but then we gave up hope. It was such a big dream, obvously. There was no public transportation means that would make room to Mrs. Shushan’s and my joint squad to take us to our destination, “Yeraz” garden. So, on and off buses, we survived the cold until our hands and feet started not to serve us well. We had to make a quick change. Opera!

The staff members were very meticulous about handing roller- skates, keys and other accessories to their our students. A passport was needed, and thank God, I happened to be the only one who was carrying one, otherwise the project would jave failed. So, my passport was on hold in return to the skating package. The kids had so much fun, trying to skate, trying to overcome their fear of skating. We took photos of them, but the sun was interfering with the camera lense. No good quality photos, sorry!


Poetry time…… Grade 10, May 3

Poetry: To Celia 

Drink to me, only, with thine eyes, 
And I will pledge with mine; 
Or leave a kiss but in the cup 
And I’ll not look for wine. 
The thirst, that from the soul doth rise 
Doth ask a drink divine: 
But might I of Jove’s nectar sup, 
I would not change for thine. 
I sent thee, late, a rosy wreath, 
Not so much honouring thee, 
As giving it a hope, that there 
It could not withered be. 
But thou thereon did’st only breath, 
And sent’st it back to me: 
Since when it grows, and smells, I swear, 
Not of itself, but thee. 


B en Jonson wrote this in 1660 and was first put to music in 1770 by an unknown person (www.contemplator.com). The poem is a love dedication to a person who seems not to care about the affections (my take on it anyway). “Drink to me only with thine eyes” means honor me by paying me the attention I crave from you. I wish nothing else.

Explanation: Paraphrase of the poem:

The speaker tells a woman (we’re guessing her name is Celia) to drink to him only with her eyes – kind of like saying “cheers,” but with her eyes instead of raising a glass. He goes on to describe his “thirst” for this woman.

We’re not totally sure how much Celia likes the speaker, though. He tells us about how he sent her a wreath of flowers once, but she returned it. The cool thing is that, even though she returned the wreath, it never wilted. Somehow, Celia breathing on the wreath has given it eternal life.

Key Vocabulary words Explained:

1- Pledge: Promise

2- Divine:Heavenly, Godly

3- Sup :Sip, gulp.

4- Wither: To decay, decline, lose vitality.

5- Thereon: Immediately after that.

6- To honour: To pay respect.

7- To swear: To promise with an oath.
To swear to evidence under oath in order to obtain (a warrant for arrest).




Grade 10 Reading: May 2



Objective: Raise awareness in the students with respect to the benefits of walking. The students will acquire new knowledge about the topic, acquire new vocabulary and will be exposed to medical knowledge that will help them build sentences and communicate better.

Process: Pre-reading activities: Ask the student swhat happens to the body while walking. How do we benefit from walking? Does walking affect the body only or ot has positive effects on the body as well? The students will be asked to keep a diary, to write about their mood , thoughts and feelings after taking walks.

Results: Better knowledge in the field, better communicative oral and written skills. The students will be able to monitor the effects of walking.

Key Vocabulary Explained:

  • Oxygen
  • Muscle
  • Arteries
  • Waves
  • Bride
  • Generation
  • Run in Families
  • Happiness Hormone
  • Fluctuatine: Going up and Down

Put the vocabulary words in the given sentences:

1- ————is needed by the body, otherwise anyone dies within minutes.

2- Exercising raises the ————– ——————


April 22: A Step Closer to the Survey: Reading and Paraphrasing

Preparing for the April Survey

Read this article and then anwer the questions that follow it:


Comprehension Questions:

1- What can you say about surgeons being alcoholic comparing their dependency issues to that of the general population?

2- Do the alcohol problem that some  surgeons suffer from interfere with their work?

3- Define the word ” surgeon”. What is their work exactly?