Educational Projects, Grade 10, Samples of Student Work

Raysa Abdalova’s Essay on Domestic Violence

Student Work Sample

Domestic violence is violence at home. It occurs all over the world. It’s commited by a person towards intimate partner. The victims of domestic violence in large part are women and children. Domestic violence is not only physical abuse but also psychological and causes many emotional, physical, psychological and mental health problems.

The violence can have short-term and long-term effects. The short-term physical effects of violence can include bruises, cuts, broken bones, or injuries to organs and other parts inside of body.

The long-term effects of violence can be asthma, chronic pain, digestive problems such as stomach ulcers, heart problems, nightmares and problems sleeping, migraine headaches (a migraine headache is usually an intense, throbbing pain on one, or sometimes, both sides of the head), stress, problems with the immune system and more.

Many women also have mental health problems after violence. Long-term mental health effects of violence against women can include: post-traumatic stress disorder (this can be a result of experiencing trauma or having a shocking or scary experience, such as sexual assault or physical abuse), depression, anxiety. Other effects can include shutting people out, not wanting to do things you once enjoyed, not being able to trust others, and having low-esteem.

Many women who have experienced violence cope with this trauma by using drugs, drinking alcohol, smoking, or overeating. Research shows that about 90% of women with substance use problems had experienced physical or sexual violence.

I think that domestic violence is unsolvable problem. The only solution depends on the person who commits violence more than the person who is being abused. The person who commits it should understand that it’s wrong to beat your wife/husband, kid or someone else. For thoese who are being abused can call 911 for help, but would thay?

Raysa Abdalova is one of my smartest and most dedicated students..

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